-This mod is an attempt to combine the vortex mod and autohack mods into one neat little package.
It allows you to unlock every single vortex dungeons you can imagine.
Current Mods Available:
- 0 Energy
- 1 Energy
- Deck Mod
- Zel per quest Mod
- Karma per quest Mod
- 10x exp
- 10x gold
- 10x karma
- 10x material
- 10x capture rate
- iWin (Press Give up to Win)
- Enable every vortex + no metal key
- Inventory Size
- Mod Unit Level for evolution
- Monster HP/Atk/Def/heal
Vortex dungeons Available:
- Super Metal Parade
- Metal Parade
- Jewel Parade
- Monday to Saturday Dungeons
- Ruins of Light and Dark
- The Lone Traveller
- Dweller in the Darkness
- The Truncheon Wielding Warrior
- Flower in the Frost
- The Iron Fisted Lady
- When the Lightning Strikes
- The Sibyl Sisters:
- Affectionate Flames
- Absolute Zero
- Gaias Voice
- In the Name of Thunder
- Protected by the Sky
- Enthralled by the Moon
- Crusade of the Six heroes
- Knight of Darkness
- The Truth and the Cursed Princess
- Xenon & Estia prologue
- Leon's Deception
- Moonlight Parade
- Bulb Haven
- Flaming Rocket of Justice
- Burny and Friends UNLEASHED!
- Gun Goddess of the Tides
- Slashing Fish of the Wild
- The Lightinng Bomber
- Thunder Turnout
- Battle Maiden Queen of the High Skies
- Battle Maiden The Half Blood princess
- Frontier Hunter revisit
- The Keymaster's Eclipse
- Deemo: Great Tree's Melody
- Great Fire of Hope
- Swift Blue Silence
- Dark Green Wisdom
- Golden Purpose
- Guided by White Light
- Black Whirlwind
- Songstress of Light...
Brave Frontier Final Mod
Alternative Link:
Virus Scan: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/08163b3a5a9ab8a719047db405009d8316d1185019bac5b88a74d5b13c8717cd/analysis/1412948311/
How to connect:
- iOS Devices
- Go to Wi-Fi Settings
- Scroll down to proxy
- Use the Host/Port provided below
- Host: Find your LAN IP with "ipconfig"
- Port: 8888
- Username: element-evil.com
- Password: freemod
Tutorial for iPhone/iPad (Non-Jailbreak):
Go to Wifi settings
Select your Wifi network
Enter the following details:
- Server: Find your LAN IP with "ipconfig"
- Port: 8888
- Authentication: On
- Username: element-evil.com
- Password: freemod