-This Tut helps you make a deb which unbans you by editting keychain.
-First, Open /var/Keychains/keychain-2.db look for your game in agrp section in the table called genp.Assume we found the record which has a agrp value called HELLOWORLD.TESTKEYCHAIN
-Open your THEOS, use the tool template.In main.mm, type:
#import"sqlite3.h" //This could be fetched from /usr/include Under your SDK directory
int main(int argc, const char *argv[], char **envp)
sqlite3* database;
const char* sqlitePaths = "/var/Keychains/keychain-2.db";
const chat * command;
sqlite3_open(sqlitePaths, &database);
command="detele from genp where agrp='HELLOWORLD.TESTKEYCHAIN'";
return 0;
-Open your Makefile, Add this in Makefile:
-Fetch this dylib from /usr/lib and put it under your main.mm folder.Compile your project. And enjoy!!
-If you want your tool better. Look at this Demo, I'm sure it will help you
Download DEMO